
IMI Inkjet Conference 2022 - Textile Industry drowning in pollution & accelerating climate change (>1.5C)

Textile Industry drowning in pollution & accelerating
climate change (>1.5C)

Dr. Alan Hudd, Chairman, Alchemie Technology, Duxford,
Cambridgeshire, UK

  • New way to reduce textile dyeing & finishing industry
    global emissions
  • In the UK Queens 70-year Platinum Jubilee: Digital
    technology is set to bring about a (sustainable)
    “Textile Revolution”
  • Pollution free digital dyeing & technical textiles with
    85% energy reduction
  • Reshoring to revitalize western textile manufacturing
  • Textiles become a “Clean-Tech” industry for the next
    decade & beyond
  • The future: Digital dyeing, digital printing, & digital
    technical textiles
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